Colony Survival Wiki

Major Update - 0.9 Release

Colony Survival has released update 0.9 which contains a lot of changes. Please be patient as we update the wiki to include all the new content.

For details please see the release announcement on Steam


Colony Survival Wiki

Food is one of the most important acpects of Colony Survival. Every colonist wants to eat one meal per day to avoid starvation.


Most food is produced by the Cook but some meals are also prepared by the Berry farmer, Baker and Grinder. Some foods require the same ingredients, it is advisable to watch and adjust the priority and limit settings accordingly to ensure the ingredients are used for the intended meal. Some meals can only be produced in specific biomes but the meal items can be traded to other colonies.


Every colonist tries to eat one meal per day. By consuming the meal the colony earns the respective Colony Points. Colonists will always consume the meal with the highest colony points values, as long as that meal is available. At the colony settings menu the individual meals can be enabled or disabled as desired.

Food Colony Points Workers Biome
Berrymeal Berry Meal 10 19.6%
Breadmeal Bread Meal 20 17.7%
Luxury Meal Luxury Meal 70 14.1%
Perpetual Stew Perpetual Stew 40 15.3%
Foofoo FooFoo 90 15.8% Tropics
New World Meal New World Meal 90 15.7% New World
Rice Meal Rice Meal 90 15.7% Far East


The workers number in above table is the percentage of colonists required for food production. The number is calculated by total recipe crafting times and doesn't take any colonist walking times into account. If the player wants to expand the colony and produce additional food a higher amount of workers is required. At the start of a colony it is recommended to switch from berry meals to the more effective bread meals as soon as possible. Luxury meals is the overall most effective food with requiring the least amount of workers. The biome specific foods offer a higher colony points value but also require slightly more workers.

See also
